Friday, 26 March 2010

Time spent on SNS surges globally

The Nielsen Company has discovered that the global average time spent per person on social networking sites has increased tremendously: nearly five and half hours per month nowadays (February 2010 data), which is a rise of more than two hours in comparison with last year. In arriving at that conclusion, Nielsen measured social network usage per person across ten countries, and compared that to data from the same time last year.

If we take a look at specific countries, it seems like Italy tops the charts with social network time per person just under six and a half hours per month (6:27:53). Australia is the runner-up (6:25:21). The United States takes the credit for having the largest unique social networking audience, but only ranks third in usage with the average person spending just over six hours (6:02:34) on social networks.

Another remarkable conclusion is that Facebook, with its 400 million members, accounts for the majority of the time spent on SNS. In other words, we can declare Facebook to be the absolute number-one social network destination worldwide, with a score of nearly six hours (5:52:00) per person with the average user logging in more than 19 times per month. This means that the time spent on Facebook is almost five hours longer than the time spent on MySpace (0:59:33), which is the second closest social network in terms of time spent on site per person.


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