Sunday 28 March 2010

The business investors of the future

What if internet users, normal everyday people like you and me, become the business investors of the future: Would that lead to ultimate chaos or the ultimate opportunity to get your talents out there? decided to take the leap and test the theory.

On aspiring authors can post ten pages of their manuscripts online. Users then decide whether or not they want to read more of the story. If they do, they can invest some money in the excerpt or more precisely, they buy shares (worth €5 per share). If two thousand shares are sold, the manuscript will be published by a partner of the website. Clever, no? By letting the users do the decision making, lowers the risk of failure and they give the users exactly what they want. It is a win-win for every party involved.

This total integration of business, client and user is the perfect example of what I believe to be the future of the net. You may have heard of it already: Web 3.0, does it ring a bell? Although the term is getting increasingly more known, companies are still mainly focusing on the reigning trend of Web 2.0. I believe however, that we should hop on the 3.0 train and reap the benefits of total integration.


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