Monday, 26 October 2009
Real Facebookfriends
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Advertising yourself
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Social Media Marketing
When I walk along the streets, I can’t help noticing the overload of information attacking my brain. I automatically developed my own defense system: ignore it all! It makes my walk less stressful, but must drive the marketeers responsible for those campaigns to despair. New ways of promoting their products or services had to be found. The ideal opportunity came along with the trend of social networking sites. The popularity of those websites with a focus on connecting people, urged for a new kind of marketing. Clever business men gradually developed a successful strategy designed for campaigning on the internet; they call it ‘social media marketing’.
Social media marketing campaigns focus on online communities, blogs, review sites, etc. In other words, they focus on websites where individuals can display their opinions. The campaigns open up the dialogue between the company and the customer, which leads to a closer connection between both and to a higher customer loyalty rate. Some companies even work on starting up their own social network site, like Burberry with its ‘Art of the Trench’ website which is supposed to be launched soon.

As an aspiring management team of a social platform, it is important to realize that these marketeers will want to try out their strategies on our website. Though it is our task to create an inspiring space for the individual surfer, making room for social media marketing can lead to something positive as well. If the campaign does not limit or disturb the customer’s social experience on the net, it can be a useful tool with benefits for all three parties (customer, company and the website management team).
Advertising taken to a new level

Louis Vuitton has already been advertising on the internet excessively. They created an interactive site featuring video’s of the three American astronauts Sally Ride, Jim Lovell and Buzz Aldrin. These three were also featured in the series of pictures made by Annie Leibowitz for the brand to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the famous lines “One small step for man and a giant leap for mankind”. Louis Vuitton is also active on Twitter.
What we should take into consideration when creating our own social network is that this is a new and fun way of advertising. A lot less annoying and more effective than the pop-ups that block your entire screen.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Twitter users more brand-engaged

According to Interpret researchers who questioned 9200 people, Twitter users are twice as sensitive when it comes to online advertisement in comparison with users of more ‘traditional’ social networks such as Facebook and My Space. 24% of the Twitter users click on ads, write product reviews and show brand-engagement by visiting homepages of companies and advertisers whereas only 12% of other social network users (non-Twitter users) are tempted to do the same.
How to explain this phenomenon? Interpret researchers mainly believe that these higher rates of engagement with brands could be explained by the fact that people are less distracted by activities such as commenting on photos, sending gifts and playing games on Twitter, which means that there is a greater chance that an ad catches the users’ attention and is clicked upon. It seems like users of social network sites do not want their experience to be interrupted, which is definitely something to keep in mind when creating our own network site.
Social networking to infinity
When trying to start your own social network, the first question to ask yourself is: what is a social network and what is it for? According to the video ‘Social networking in plain English’ these networks serve to show connections that were previously hidden. This makes it easier to connect with people to find jobs, love or houses. Your network is suddenly larger and possesses more possibilities.
The problem in inventing a social network is that they seem to have conquered the world. They are everywhere and exist for every group or purpose. Whether you like to travel, buy cats, share political views or watch and show video’s, you can find a network that suits your wishes. The challenge in creating a new social network thus lies in finding something that has not already been done and is useful at the same time. Our task now is to find out what the needs are that have not yet been addressed.
(Find all kinds of social netwerks on Find a social network)