When trying to start your own social network, the first question to ask yourself is: what is a social network and what is it for? According to the video ‘Social networking in plain English’ these networks serve to show connections that were previously hidden. This makes it easier to connect with people to find jobs, love or houses. Your network is suddenly larger and possesses more possibilities.
The problem in inventing a social network is that they seem to have conquered the world. They are everywhere and exist for every group or purpose. Whether you like to travel, buy cats, share political views or watch and show video’s, you can find a network that suits your wishes. The challenge in creating a new social network thus lies in finding something that has not already been done and is useful at the same time. Our task now is to find out what the needs are that have not yet been addressed.
(Find all kinds of social netwerks on Find a social network)
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